Sunday, January 16, 2011

My son tells me to "go away"

In the baby and kids' world, it seemed like last year was the year of all things Korean. Tea Collection's spring and summer collections were inspired by South Korea. Uncle Goose, purveyor of classic wooden blocks in an array of foreign languages, released their Korean hangul set. Thanks to a tip from an acquaintance, we just received the Korean set at our store this past week.

And in May of last year, we brought our son home from South Korea. He was 14 months old. It was a long and hard process - harder and more painful than I would have ever thought. I read somewhere that adoption is not for sissies. So true. I will tell more about it one day.

For now, we are just so thankful our son is finally home. Even after a day like yesterday, when he was upset at us for being away all day. (Because of staffing issues at the stores, we both had to work all day. Usually one of us is home with him for half a day.) He was angry when we came home and put a new favorite phrase to use: "Go away." In his cute 22-month-old voice.

This morning he has apparently forgiven us and is his usual sweet, bossy self. Hopefully because he is beginning to realize that we will never go away.

20% off all Uncle Goose Classic Wooden Blocks - enter coupon code "gooseme20". Available in English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Hebrew, German, Polish, Chinese, and Korean. Code expires Feb. 1, 2011.


April said...

Had no idea you adopted! Makes me LOVE your store even more! My husband and I adopted our little man in May and hope to adopt again in the future! :) Some of my cousins grew up in korea and are back over there teaching. This would be a perfect gift for their babies!

Wing @ Pacifier said...

April, thanks for your comment! And congrats on the adopting last May! Aren't little boys the best?