Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Giveaway: modBonnet by UB2

Happy Monday! Today we're giving away a very cool, cute, and retro UB2 modBonnet of your choice! Just in time for high summer.

To enter, tell us in the comments below: what is your favorite outdoor activity when the sun is shining bright? Remember to double your chances by entering on Facebook. The winner will be announced tomorrow on Facebook!


Unknown said...

Going for a walk to the nearby playground with my daughter stopping to hug every tree along the way.

Leah said...

walk around the lake

Amy Dietrich said...

We go down the hill to the lake and throw rocks/picnic and look at the boats coming into the canal.

Babs said...

A walk around Lake Harriet!

Andrea L. said...

A trip north for a hike and a picnic lunch on the Gunflint Trail in Grand Marais. Spotty cell phone reception and sun-filtered trails are the perfect combination for family bonding on Minnesota's North Shore. We look forward to it every summer!

Madeline N said...

My little guy is only 3 months but we have loved taking walks on the nice days. It's so fun to see him react to the breeze blowing on his face and all the sights and sounds!

Stacey said...

We like to have art time outside. Usually that means hunting for objects in nature and then adding them to our large newsprint we have strung out on the patio. We add paint, glitter, glue, anything we can find onto our pieces of art. It makes the kids (3 and 5) realize that art isn't only for the indoors and outdoor artwork is really fun!

Anonymous said...

Watching papa surf on Lake Superior!

Flee said...

Farmer's Market!

jk said...

bubbles and sidewalk chalk--endless simple fun

jko said...

we chase balls. indoors, outdoors, cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny. balls, balls, balls! despite efforts to diversify, we have a one-tracked mind!

The Kruegers said...

My twins love to head to the park for swings!

Jan Woodruff said...

We were just outside blowing one year old giggles everytime her sister blew bubbles...there is no sweeter sound than a baby's laugh!

Unknown said...

Jesi and I love to play tag and roll around in the grass. We also chase bubbles, fun mindless entertainment. Then we eat and take a nap!

BW said...


Erin said...

We go for walks and sit outside

EmmaJ said...

We take a quilt outside, have a little picnic and read books.

Unknown said...

Snuggling up on a blanket, under the sun with my husband, my 5 month old baby girl, Ellie Grey and our lab Toby, for a breezy, comfy afternoon nap....closing my eyes, I often remember the smell and sound of the ocean back home in Nova Scotia.

s.grass said...

Taking my just-turned-two year old to the beach to hunt seashells and dig our toes into the sugar white sands. After last year's Gulf Coast oil crisis, I will never again take for granted these turquoise waters and the beautiful shores they lap.

Anonymous said...

Finding a nice shady spot and taking a nap. (Yes, sleep is my hobby).

DDB said...

blow some bubbles!! walk around the lake to watch little duckies!